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Hard Drive Failure Stats


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018

Interesting stuff. Pretty much reinforces what I already knew but I have something in black and white to back me up. I do trust these numbers Backblaze has no irons in the fire and lord knows they see more than their share of failed hard drives. My latest patient is a MacBook Air with a failed SSD. Good old Apple proprietary hardware so the choices are limited and very expensive unless you care to get very exotic. It's not my system so had the owner order another OWC SSD as a replacement. Just another reminder to back your stuff up regularly. No one can be sure when disaster will strike except mag drives sometimes give you multiple clues they aren't feeling well. Many users continue to ignore those symptoms and will run the drive into the ground without any back ups. Oh well go cry to someone else, forget this summer's vacation if you need to use a data recovery service.
I do remember reading that some university ran a bunch of various SSDs until failure. The results are supposed to far exceed the manufacturer's stated MTBF. I'll hunt that down and post a link if no one else beats me too it.