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Trying to Load HP Microserver Gen8


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
So of course I picked this out of a recycle lot. The hardware passes HP diagnosis 100%. As a matter of ethics and compliance to regulations all hard drives were wiped. Now I am trying to reload this little gem. I know there have been some less than kind posts regarding this particular system.
So far I have found that you might as well forget about using either a rufus or HP prepared flash drive, Intelligent provisioning sees the drive and recognizes the folders but will only display ISO files. Fine I have two different versions of HP IntelProv, the server looks at the ISOs but won't load them.
Forget trying to load a bare OS via flash drive or USB DVD, doesn't work.
So I am trying to figure out how to get a ROM attached to the system, it will only accept thin "laptop" styles in the case. Has one power connector the resembles the connector on floppy drive and that's it. So for a last ditch effort I am going to hook up a rom with an outboard power source. Fun fun fun.
So anyone have any experience with reloading this model?
So of course I picked this out of a recycle lot. The hardware passes HP diagnosis 100%. As a matter of ethics and compliance to regulations all hard drives were wiped. Now I am trying to reload this little gem. I know there have been some less than kind posts regarding this particular system.
So far I have found that you might as well forget about using either a rufus or HP prepared flash drive, Intelligent provisioning sees the drive and recognizes the folders but will only display ISO files. Fine I have two different versions of HP IntelProv, the server looks at the ISOs but won't load them.
Forget trying to load a bare OS via flash drive or USB DVD, doesn't work.
So I am trying to figure out how to get a ROM attached to the system, it will only accept thin "laptop" styles in the case. Has one power connector the resembles the connector on floppy drive and that's it. So for a last ditch effort I am going to hook up a rom with an outboard power source. Fun fun fun.
So anyone have any experience with reloading this model?


I havent use this model before, but some other Proliant i worked with i used HPE Integrated Lights Out - iLO Remote Server Management.

You need to connect your HP server on network, then on your router find which IP is taken by HP server, then connect with HP iLO.

From there you can install OS, update drivers, or do whatevery you want.

If you need more help please let me know.


I havent use this model before, but some other Proliant i worked with i used HPE Integrated Lights Out - iLO Remote Server Management.

You need to connect your HP server on network, then on your router find which IP is taken by HP server, then connect with HP iLO.

From there you can install OS, update drivers, or do whatevery you want.

If you need more help please let me know.

Well thanks I'll give it a try. Frankly this is just reinforcing my dislike for HP software period. Between their funky printer software, the BIOS/power management glitch that seems almost universal in their laptops and their so-so management software, well you see where I am going.
It's too damn bad too. HP printers have always been among the best. Their hardware is as good as any of the top 3 if not better in some aspects. Then there's the software. HP was a leader not all that long ago. My best friend's dad retired as a VP from there before they started swirling the drain.
Terrible leadership and lack of direction has really screwed HP. I just keep hoping somebody will step up and crack the whip, it's needed at the moment. The management seems detached from reality and asleep at the wheel.
The problem seems to be iLO sets it's own rules. You have to remember this is a Gen8 server. HPE thought they would pull an Apple "We know what's best for you and we will stop you from doing otherwise". Every freaking copy of Windows Server 2012 R2 I presented to this system would return "Unable to find valid media" regardless of wher it was, local DVD, virtual DVD ISO, and USB stick created with HP's whacky program. "Official" support for windows server ended with 2008 so iLo won't install anything else.
Trying to load straight from the Bios is another Catch-22. It won't load because it doesn't have the drivers for the disk array. You would think the brain trust at HPE would at least provide basic drivers that would allow you to load the system and upgrade later. This is what really pisses me off about HP, they send something out that may meet the immediate needs of the situation with absolutely no thought of the future or how owners may want to do things with THEIR SYSTEM that they own and have bought and paid for. HPE also instituted some kind of nonsense that you have to pay for any support or drivers past issued your warranty period unless you pony up more cash. Forget the fact you need these downloads to fix their f*ck ups. I suspect this attitude goes back to the Carly days and that's why I am so fearful that Satya has the same mindset at M/S.
I am in the process of slipstreaming a DVD with the drivers this server is asking for. Wish me luck.
So Thumper you have actually had good luck with iLO in the older Gen systems? You are the few my man, I suspect that's why this server was tossed out in the first place.
The problem seems to be iLO sets it's own rules. You have to remember this is a Gen8 server. HPE thought they would pull an Apple "We know what's best for you and we will stop you from doing otherwise". Every freaking copy of Windows Server 2012 R2 I presented to this system would return "Unable to find valid media" regardless of wher it was, local DVD, virtual DVD ISO, and USB stick created with HP's whacky program. "Official" support for windows server ended with 2008 so iLo won't install anything else.
Trying to load straight from the Bios is another Catch-22. It won't load because it doesn't have the drivers for the disk array. You would think the brain trust at HPE would at least provide basic drivers that would allow you to load the system and upgrade later. This is what really pisses me off about HP, they send something out that may meet the immediate needs of the situation with absolutely no thought of the future or how owners may want to do things with THEIR SYSTEM that they own and have bought and paid for. HPE also instituted some kind of nonsense that you have to pay for any support or drivers past issued your warranty period unless you pony up more cash. Forget the fact you need these downloads to fix their f*ck ups. I suspect this attitude goes back to the Carly days and that's why I am so fearful that Satya has the same mindset at M/S.
I am in the process of slipstreaming a DVD with the drivers this server is asking for. Wish me luck.
So Thumper you have actually had good luck with iLO in the older Gen systems? You are the few my man, I suspect that's why this server was tossed out in the first place.

I manage two HPE servers, ProLiant DL60 Gen9 and ProLiant DL20 Gen9.

I use ILO for both of them.

I installed on both Win Server 2012 R2.
OK Thumper maybe it's a Gen8 thing, the documentation is a bit sketchy.
So if you load the O/S from iLO how are you presenting the program.? An ISO thru virtual disk or some other form, the disk or it's file structure from the remote system, do you have a physical DVD loaded on a ROM connected to the host system's SATA port or have you prepared a bootable "HP USB Key" using their create software and have that connected to the host USB 2.0 port? (side note but at least early USB 3.0 implementations are a flop for booting from the BIOS).
The other question I have is what version and where did you obtain the Win 2012 R2 server disk? That is a question I can't really seem to answer on the web. Is there a special HP disk or will any OEM disk work? I even went as far as getting an eval. copy of 2012 R2 from M/S.
Everything I try either isn't recognized or I get the "Unable to find any valid media".
It's really come down to I have ahold of this issue now like a junkyard dog. This thing isn't going to beat me. BTW if you ever considered cracking a program you need to develop this kind of attitude. It can be this tough.
OK Well I figured it out. I can't say there is anything intuitive about the iLo interface. The other problem is I keep getting kicked off of iLO b/c it says I don't have a license? What???
It's basic system management software and it appears pretty necessary to maintain HP servers.
Thumper I know you probably know the ins and outs of the iLO management system, I figure it's something you had to know. Well I guess I figured it out too, but jeez! So many restrictions, and HP having their hand out looking for money for basic support after your warranty expires. Granted most of the stuff that's recycled from businesses is just out of warranty so it may not be an issue,
Funny HP does stuff like this and arbitrarily EOL their printers by no longer updating drivers even those the printers may be quite serviceable.

Yeah, it happens for me to, i just reconnect again :D
I know those are work systems and you can't mess with Thumper. Me? You know what I need to do with iLO. This has become personal. $130 my ass for something that should be fully integrated into the core system? I don't think so, can't be that hard to fool. This whole iLO business is kind of rinky dink in my estimation. Something that generates more cash for HP after the sale. I may just use somebody else's remote desktop and not waste a port on my switch. We shall see.
EDIT: Shoot I guess I am going to have to poke around work and find a working 2012 R2 working license. At least that shouldn't be a problem. Not sure if they were using COAs or embedded BIOS keys for this version. Well I'll find out soon enough
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