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I Give Up on Torguard


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
After years of dealing with their lousy interface. Lately they have been destroying the Winsock when their service is disconnected. After a little shopping around I was able to get a deal on Surfshark, 27 months for $54. What a difference! After the deal I had Torguard for $15/6 months perpetual, sorry not worth it with deals like this going around. I found the deal
Above link will take you to a spread sheet with what I would consider a pretty unbiased review of current VPN providers and some sweet deals.
Keep in mind no VPN maintains VPN servers, they lease space from a variety of hosts. Unless you are doing something REALLY naughty you are safe. If you are involved in some serious criminal activities, human trafficking or God forbid pedo garbage, you can be eventually caught with court orders and please don't visit this forum anymore, you are not welcome.